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Writer's pictureAshlee Kasten

Motherhood - Overcoming Fear and Anxiety in Yourself and Your Children

Today on the podcast, I covered a topic that so many of us have experienced at one point or another. You can hear the whole podcast here, and catch more of my story and tips for getting rid of fear.

The weight of fear and anxiety in children, and in us moms, is a difficult battle and more common than it should be. Unfortunately society has normalized fear to the point that it’s expected that everyone should fear something. What’s your fear? Spiders? Heights? Public Speaking?

Yet, when we read God’s word, we very clearly see that fear never was, nor is, his plan for us. His word very clearly states again and again, “Do not fear”.

After years of battling fear of what people thought of me, I was finally freed of its chains during a prayer session where I was able to identify the roots and allow God to heal that area. Since that day, I’ve never been the same. Public speaking used to be one of my greatest fears, but is now one of my greatest joys.

What are you allowing fear to hold you back from, friend? Are you ready to be free from fear and for your children to overcome anxiety as well?

Here are a few ways to start losing fear and walking in freedom.

1. Identify its roots and strongholds

In order to truly win the battle against fear, we must identify where it originally took root. Was there a traumatic situation where fear entered your life? Or maybe it was small things along the road of life that built up? Whatever the case might be, allow Jesus to show you this area that needs healing, and ask him to reveal to you where he was during that time. Allowing him to heal any areas of hurt, trauma, sickness, etc., and walking out any forgiveness that might need to take place, will close the door on the enemy's hold in your life.

2. Renew Your Mind in His Word

You can not expect to be able to ward off false, negative, or fearful thoughts without having truthful, fruitful, and peaceful thoughts to replace them with! Without God's word flooding the crevices of your mind, you won't have the tools to fight off the schemes of the enemy. Philippians 4:8 says, "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Teach your children to hide his word in their hearts so they can declare it out loud when fear comes knocking! Psalms 56:3 is a great verse for them to memorize and is also today's free printable!

3. Get Into a Place of Praise and Worship

There is something so powerful about praise and worship. Did you know that it can break off chains? Look at the story of Paul and Silas in Acts 16! Their praise in the prison resulted in God sending an earthquake to shake the walls and release the prisoners, breaking all chains. If you need some chains of fear broken off your life, it's time to start praising! Turn on some praise and worship music, crank up the volume, and have a praise party with your kids! Teach them how to shout for joy even in the midst of worry!

If you're ready to teach your kids how to get rid of fear, download today's free printable of Psalm 56:3 below!

And catch the full episode of The Purpose of Motherhood "Overcoming Fear and Anxiety" podcast episode here!

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